Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Port Polar Bear

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National combat club--Port Polar Bear's parent organization

Primary Model Warship Venders

 Battler's Connection

A great source for warship combat supplies. They sell everything you need to build a ship.

Strike Models

The new place to find all the old Swampworks hulls. (Going out of business)

Bowning Ship Yards

Hulls from Australia.

Other Model Warship Combat Clubs

Southeast Attack Squadron

IRC group out of the southeast US

Texas Naval Brigade

IRC group in the Independent Republic of Texas

Great Lakes Attack Squadron

IRC group in Michigan

Ontario Attack Force

IRC group in Ontario Canada


144th scale fighting group in Los Angeles area

North West Naval Combat

144th scale fighting group in Washington State

North Texas Battle Group

Big Gun group in Texas

Western Warship Combat Club

Big Gun group in California

Australian Big Gun Group

Big Gun group in Australia mate

Desron23 Squadron

Destroyer Fanatics

Pacific Model Warship Club

72nd scale fighting group in Northern California

Parts Venders

Team Delta

Electronic switches and relays.

Prop Shop

Cast props from the UK, best in the hobby.

Parker Fittings

Manufacturer of parts we use to make out guns.

Clippard Parts

We use Clippard for our gas systems.

Deltmer Parts

You can get a replacement piston for your KIP solenoids here.

McMaster Carr

They have basically everything and anything

Spectrum Radios

Manufacturer of 2.4GHZ radios. With this technology there are no more frequency conflicts.

All Electronics

Drive motor supplier

Brodak Paints

A place to buy colored dope for sheeting

Surplus Center

Drive motor supplier.

Tower Hobbies

RC parts

Warship Sites of interest

RC Combat

A site with a good forum to talk about the hobby

The Commodore’s Page

Chris P’s warship website

Reichenbach Shipard

Steve’s warship website

Klutz Page

Joe Klutz’s website

Koehler’s page

Briak K’s website

Big J’s Model Warship Site

Johnny’s website

Grey Wolf Squadron

Foam superstructure for sale

Andy’s Random Stuff

Andy’s website

SMS Navy

Tom’s website



Port Polar Bear Home Page