Build Meeting Notes: 3/16/2006

We meet at Ron's shop on Sunday.
Ron worked on getting the rudders back into the Lion. He also got 2 of the 3
guns working and the drive system tested out. He needs to sheet and he'll be
ready for 4-9-06 batlle.
Ben had his NC on the bench but did not work on it too much. It still needs
to be sheeted and it should be ready to go.
Moe was working on one of his guns. He says he'll have this ready for 4-9-06
Peter sheeted his DD. Made a gun and test fired it. He just needs to build a
radio box and he'll be ready for battle.
Paul Coffee came with prints and questions for the Rividava. We gave him
tips for layout of the ship.
I worked on the Warspite's water channeling, patching a few spots. She needs
to be tank tested and patched from the last battle last year. The Mpls had
her guns tweaked Saturday night and is battle ready.
How is your ship coming? Will you be ready for the battle on 4-9-06???

Bob H.

Pictures by: Ben Radenbaugh