Ice Breaker 2007
in Minnesota
we have had a summer long drought. My grass died long ago and the mowing time
has been put to good use as boat building time. We selected the date for the
Ice Breaker back in May and just had to pick the one weekend of the year is was
cold and rainy. Rain has been the battling theme this year as the Fray, NATS
and now our battle had to put up with bad weather. At least we had Friday with
clear skies and warm temps.
& Brian Bray made it to my house Thursday night and got to meet Tyler
Heland who was finishing up his USS Minneapolis. Tyler has been in my ship yard a couple of
times working hard to get his wood hulled ship ready for this battle. I’ve also
had Mike Cucchianella in the ship yard getting his USS St Paul finished. This
would also be the first battle for John Marino (From Chicago) with his USS
Pensacola. Peter commented that there are almost as many wood hulled ships up
here as there are fiberglass ships. On Sunday we had another “First” battle as
we were joined by Chuck Spletz from Wisconsin
with his DKM Graf Spee. Chuck has battled for many years with the 72nd scale
club and now has a 144th ship to battle with us.
a pancake breakfast Friday morning Kevin, Brian and I took a trip to Jordan to see
the pond I would like to have NATS at. I was very disappointed to see it was
over taken by weeds. Everything else about the pond looked good for battling
but the weeds have ruled it out for now. We got back to the house around 9:30 and
met up with Ben and Tyler
then headed to the pond. Tyler
had his ship speed tested and did his first sea trails. Everything worked well.
I was pleased to see the sheeting leaked in just a few spots. While we were
testing Tom Palmer and Lars made it down to the pond. Moe stopped by to chat
without his Lutzow and could not be talked into taking The Bike for a ride. Tom
split up fleets and battle was started. The teams were Yellow Duct Tape: Kevin
(Mass.), Brian (Yavuz), Tom (Nashville), Ben (Glorie). No Flag: Bob
(Warspite), Lars (Tiger), Tyler (Mpls). The Bray fleet played 2 on 1 with the
Warspite for most of the battle. Lars would make passes as things opened up. Tyler was able to back
into the Mass a few times and get his first stern shots to hit home. The Flag
fleet always had to keep an eye out for the Glorie. She hides in plain site and
jumps on the bow of any ship that passes by and typically opens large holes
with her stern guns. Ben has become very good at taking no damage and
inflicting tons of it. No major damage was done to the ships in the first
sortie and we filled back up and headed out for sortie two. Brian had a pump
problem early in the battle and sank. Tom was run around and shot up by Lars
and also took the plunge. Scores were Yellow Tape: Mass 77-5-10, Yavuz 40-7-9
sink, Glorie 3-1-0, Nashville
40-7-9 sink. No Flag Warspite 12-1-8, Tiger 39-2-5, Minneapolis 9-4-2. As the battle wound down Peter came down with
his reskined, refitted and now bright RED Scharnhorst. The “Mighty German Battlecruiser”
took a page out of the funny looking freighter’s play book and became a big red
target. The whole hull must be a bulls eye, just need a white ring around the
super structure. Ben commented after the battle that this was the first time he
could remember not having The Bike in a battle. As usual I had brought her and
got her ready for battle but there was no one to use her today. That changed in
the 2nd battle as Brian had lost a rudder servo and his Yavuz was
out. Another new Bike rider to add to the long list of captains.
were changed up with the new ships to be Yellow Flag: Mass, Nashville,
Tiger, Minneapolis
and No Flag Warspite, Scharnhorst, Glorie, The Bike. The Flag fleet decided to go after the Tiger
and see how much damage see could take before she sank. Lars had made it
through NATS without sinking; even when the Axis gave it their best try
Tuesday. Lars was willing to play with us and did not run from battle. Peter
and I tried to sandwich him as much as we could while Ben pulled ahead and
waited for an open shot. The first sortie saw Lars take a lot of holes but not
pumping that hard. In the middle of the battle Ben turn to walk to his left and
ran right into a “No Fishing” that had just been added to the pond. A bruise on
his leg, chest and a small cut on his hand could have been worse if he had hit
it with his head. In-between sorties The
Bike lost radio power due to a bad receiver switch; Brian was out of the 2nd
sortie. We kept after Lars but it looked for most of the sortie that we were
fighting a losing battle. The Tiger was now pumping nonstop but we had run down
on bbs. Then a stroke of luck. The Red Scharny cut if front of Lars and even on
the water red means stop, Lars did not stop and hit Peter hard amidships. This
caused all the water in the Tiger to move and Lars quickly sank. After Lars
recovered his ship Tyler
also sank for the first time. Not sure if it was vapor lock or forgetting to
turn his pump on, the Minneapolis
did not have the damage needed to sink. Scores were Yellow Flag: Mass 42-1-6, Nashville 26-2-3, Tiger
137-19-41 sink, Mpls 26-4-0 sink. Flag Warspite 69-5-12, Scharny 13-2-9, The
Bike 2-0-0 withdrawal sink, Glorie 2-1-1. As battle was finishing up John came
down to the pond and watched the last part of the battle. We packed up and went
to my house to fix ships and eat. We decided on ordering pizza to save time and
get more ship work done for Saturday. We sat down with John and went over his
ship. We did some repair on his drive shafts and couplings to get him ready for
morning was not looking good. I turned on the weather channel and saw that the
rain would start at 9am and would last all day. We got the tents set up before
the rains came and got battle started at 10am. Mike & Paul Coffee had both
brought family members to see their ships battle. Mike had taken the red eye in
from a business trip and had an hour of sleep to battle on. We were waiting on Lars to get to the pond,
knowing Lars is not a morning person I called his house and found out he was
still working on his ship. But the good news was Andy got home from work at
11am and would be battling that afternoon. Lars was staying home to sheet
Andy’s ship. Ron had a dead transmitter battery in his radio so we swapped
crystals with his cruisers radio. Always pays to have a spare on hand. We split
the fleets up to. Yellow Flag: Mass, Nashville, Scharny, The
Bike (Andy T), Mpls, Yavuz. vs the No Flag: Warspite, Lion, Rividavia (Paul),
Glorie, St. Paul (Mike), Pensacola. The battle started with the Brays
teaming up on the Rividavia. I was wingman to Paul and tried to stay close and
even the odds. Paul was able to hold his own as the Brays tried to put him
down. Kevin ran into Ben’s stern guns halfway through the sortie. Kevin then
started to turn circles with a dead rudder servo. Around this time Ron
complained that he lost reverse and forwards was now reverse. The sortie wound
down and we all went to work trying to get the ships back in fighting shape. We
found that Ron had a bad switch in his throttle so he switched to the St Louis, taking a
withdrawal sink on the Lion. Kevin was still working on his rudder servo when
battle started. Paul and I again teamed up and played with the Brian. Kevin
heard us going after his son and put his ship on the water without a rudder servo
to take the pressure off Brian. Ben hung out on the wings and found a target in
the Scharny. Ben said after the battle the Mpls & The Bike did a great job
of backing in on him and keeping him from getting shots on Peter. The Flag
Fleet then lost two cruisers with really light damage. Ron forgot to turn on
his pump and turn a little too much and Mike listed over and sank. Both of them
decided to leave their ships on the bottom of the pond while we kept battling.
I always get nervous about this and was hoping they would go in and get them
out. We kept after Peter and ran him around the pond. Peter sank from what he
thought was too much running and not enough pumping. I went in to get Ron’s ship with Mike and
Peter each getting their own. Peter found his ship right away next to shore. I
needed a little looking to find the St
Louis. I walked it to shore and went back to help Mike
and Peter look for the St Paul.
As I was walking I found a large rock and fell face first into the pond.
Somehow the rain bag I was wearing kept mine timer from getting wet. I’m sure
everyone on shore had a good laugh. Peter, Mike and I spent a lot of time
looking for the St Paul.
Everyone pulled their ships off the water while we walked lines looking for it.
We knew the general area and it was only waste deep. Mike finally kicked the
bow and pulled it out of the water. A little scary for your first sink. The
sortie was over and so was the morning battle. Scores were Yellow Flag: Mass
92-1-2, Yavuz 26-10-5, Nashville
4-0-0, Scharny 41-1-18 sink, The Bike 2-0-0, Mpls 10-1-0. Flag Fleet Warspite
17-4-3, Rividavia 20-2-1, Lion 23-1-0 sink, St Paul
6-2-2 sink, Pensacola 2-0-1, St Louis 1-0-0 sink, Glorie 3-0-1
sorties Mike Smith came by to visit. Mike is a former battler from Florida that has moved
up here. He is going to get his ships back in shape and join our colder
battling group. We also had two other guys show some interest in the club. The
bad weather kept more spectators away. I always hope to pick up a battler or
two at the Ice Breaker. This year we had two ships on the water that started as
Ice Breaker spectators. Lars and Andy both made it to the pond during lunch
ready to battle. I went home to get some warmer clothes and my waders. Mike
went home to take a nap and fix his leaky rudder box. His nap turned into a
long snooze and he missed the afternoon battle. Ron had lost rudder control and
after opening his rudder box and radio box we found that it was a bad servo
extender wire. He missed this battle waiting for his boxes to reseal. Tyler had also lost
rudder control, it was a common thing this weekend, but he only had a dead
receiver battery. Tom had been blowing hoses in almost every battle. He cleaned
out his regulator and did not have any more problems. Fleets were Yellow Flag:
Mass, Yavuz, Invincible, Scharnhorst, Nashville,
Mpls & The Bike. Flag Fleet Warspite, Tiger, Rividavia, Pensacola, Glorie. The Flag Fleet played
short a ship with out Ron and Mike. We made Andy our main focus. He has not
been to a battle since 2003. Lars had just pulled off the skin on his ship from
that NATS. Now Andy was freshly sheeted and ready for a fight. Paul and I chased
him around dumping stern guns and sidemounts into him. Paul had been playing
with his speed controller before the battle and had it set too high in reverse.
He ended up backing himself under and sank. I kept chasing Andy around and
called in Lars to help him sink him. Lars was not too sure about shooting up
the ship he just spent all day and night repairing. But he came to help cut
Andy off and pin him in for me. Meanwhile Brian was playing with the Pensacola and managed to
sink him in the channel. Tyler
also sank; I think it was vapor lock or forgetting to turn his pump on again. He
came back in for the 2nd sortie. The 2nd sortie had the
Warspite and Tiger following the Invincible around. Andy ran, fought and when
things looked bad pulled in towards shore and was pounded by the sidemounts of
the Warspite and sank. We still had a few bbs left and started after Peter. Scores
were Mass 56-3-2, Scharny 43-5-6, Invincible 70-10-41 sink, Yavuz 7-1-0, Mpls
6-0-0 sink, The Bike 6-3-2, Nashville
3-0-2. After we packed up and dropped the ships off at my place we when out to
dinner. The new guys were introduced to the traditional Best and Worst Five of
the day. Kevin and Brian decided to leave that night. They were out of rudder
servos and Brian started school on Monday.
was another wet day. We set up without rain but the drizzle started soon after.
Chuck Speltz and his Graff Spee came from Wisconsin to battle with us. Chuck has done
big gun ships for several years and now he has build a fast gun ship to get
more battling time in locally. Peter was a little late getting to the pond and
missed the start of the first sortie. Fleets started as Tiger, Graff Spee, Nashville, Pensacola,
Glorie, St Louis.
No Flags Warspite, St Paul,
Invincible. Some how our fleet ended up out numbered 2-1, I think it had a lot
to do with Tom setting up the fleets. We became more of an underdog when neither
of my sidemounts would fire and after a few stern gun shots I was out of bbs.
Turns out I had forgot to reload my guns after I tweaked. What a rookie
mistake, I forgot to unpin my guns in the 2nd sortie too. Since I
got off the water fast I put the Warspite on the table and grabbed The Bike.
Peter was putting the Scharny on the water as I was coming in. The Pensacola sank near the
shore without any damage. JP had a few spots of sheeting that were coming lose.
We finished off our bbs and got ready for sortie two. We had to hurry so Tom
could pack up and check out of the hotel room. JP switched over to The Bike and
switched to the No Flag Fleet. The 2nd sortie was a “Get Lars”
battle. Both Peter and I chased him around the pond. I don’t know if chase is
the right term as Lars stayed and played like a Hug n Slug ship. Ben got his
stern guns into the St Paul
and started tearing up the starboard side. We all got off the water and decided
to do a 3rd sortie instead of patching and counting. Ron had to head
home and took off along with Tom. We handed out the trophies and got ready for
the next battle. We continued the “Get Lars” battle while Ben kept at the
starboard side of the St Paul.
Lars was looking low in the water but was still fighting. The St Paul was looking low too. Ben had opened
up her sides and she was pumping hard. Mike managed to hang on for quite awhile
before sinking. He quickly went in to get his ship. While Lars and Mike were in
the water Ben and I reloaded our guns. The battle now became a free for all and
Peter was the next ship on the list. Everyone got shots in where they could and
after the bbs were gone we pulled the ships for a 4th sortie. In-between
sorties JP plugged a new battery into The Bike and sprayed some water into the
radio. It looked ok until he got on the water then the ship started to glitch
and had to be pulled. I set it on shore and turned around to get the Warspite
out of a tree it had backed into. That’s when a hose in the stern of The Bike
blew. It blew the superstructure off the top of the ship, pushed the deck over
the nut that holds it down and blew the interior armor out a section of
sheeting. Too bad it was not on the water as it would have made a great sink. The
battle started back up Peter, being the biggest ship, became the main target.
Chuck had been having trouble with his drive system in each sortie and kept
going dead in the water. Each of us drove by and gave him a few shots but
pretty much left him alone. I went out and brought his ship in as it was
starting to sink. Peter then came into the shore and was sunk. A little jolly
boat came off of his ship and floated above the wreck, very few of the crew
made it off the ship. Andy & I chased Ben around for awhile but could do
nothing to him. Ben decided to see how much his little Frog could take and
parked next to the Warspite for some haymaker practice. The damage was nicely
grouped and Ben had some good sheets on the starboard side. He took a lot more
damage then we though he could before he finally sank. Scores were: No Flag: Warspite 35-12-4, Scharnhorst
50-3-16 sink, St Paul 59-2-2 sink, Invincible
58-5-6, The Bike 3-1-2 Flag Graff Spee 84-3-3 sink, Nashville 12-3-3,
Tiger 155-17-35 sink, Glorie 8-8-39 sink, Pensacola
0-0-0 sink, St Louis 12-0-0
packed up in the rain and headed back to my house for some hot dogs and NATS
video. We sat around in the porch, ate and shared stories. Then we sat down to
watch this years NATS video. The quality of most of it was not very good. Lots
of water and very little battling. But we had enough battling this weekend to
make up for it. Best of Class 2&3 Ben, Best of Class 4 Brian, Best of Class
5 Bob, Best of Class 6 Kevin, Best of Scale Lars, Most Feared Ben.