Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Description: Port Polar Bear

- Rule Changes -


The IRCWCC rules are subject to change by vote. It is a multistep process. To be placed on the Annual Ballot, a rule must be formally written along with co-sponsors and proposed prior to the Annual Meeting at Nats. At a rules meeting during NATS, the members present discuss/debate and vote for or against any proposed rule. In order to make the Annual Ballot, they must carry a simple (>50%) majority. The rules are then submitted to the membership at large in which any member in good standing who has participated in a sanctioned battled within the 2 years prior to the deadline is eligible to vote. Members who attended Nats that year get their votes counted twice. If the proposal carries a 2/3 majority, the rule or rule change is incorporated into the ruleset.


At times the rules changes are simply cleaning up and clarifying easily mis-interpreted portions of the rules. At times they are major changes to gameplay or game balance. I’ve listed the rules that made the Annual Ballot dating back to 2015 for reference. 31 rules have passed and 19 failed making a pass rate of 62%.





Ballot - Results


Rule Proposal #2023.1 – Convoy Raider Rule –Fail


Rule Proposal #2023.2 – Allow 1.5 unit (9/64 inch restrictor) – Pass


Rule Proposal #2023.3 – Push back allowed ships to launch year 1904 – Pass


Rule Proposal #2023.4 – Require floats – Fail


Rule Proposal #2023.5 – Reward stern hard area curvature similar to bow – Pass


Rule Proposal #2023.6 – Change various protected cruisers to light cruiser statistics – Pass


Rule Proposal #2023.7 – Change max weight for all ships to +25% that was previously allowed to class 2 and under – Pass





Ballot - Results


Rule Proposal #2022.1 – Limit Campaign ships to 8 at a time per fleet –Fail (by 1 vote)


Rule Proposal #2022.2 – Change Droptest rule (increase height, un-specify material tube is made of) – Pass


Rule Proposal #2022.3 – Add foam to bow of convoy ships to make recovery easier – Pass


Rule Proposal #2022.4 – Change wording of convoy ship sink definition (to be similar to warship sink wording) – Pass






Ballot - Results


Rule Proposal #2021.1 – Half unit sidemount for Armored Cruisers - Pass


Rule Proposal #2021.2 – Three Sidemounts on Two Turrets (FN Dunkerque/Strasbourg, HMS Courageous) - Fail


Rule Proposal #2021.3 – Allow 1920 South Dakota Class - Pass


Rule Proposal #2021.4 – Vanguard dual sidemount (single set) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2021.5 – Campaign Points and Major Changes - Fail


Rule Proposal #2021.6 – Removing shore batteries - Fail


Rule Proposal #2021.7 – Convoy ship patching (clarify allowance of common practice of allowing convoy ships to patch mid battle) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2021.8 – One pump limitation (except class 7) - Fail






Ballot – Results


Rule Proposal #2020.1 – Class 2/3 Splitting Units Change - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.2 – Battlecruiser Class 6 Definition / Hood Exception (Change rule exemption for hood to include all battlecruisers though effects none) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2020.3 – Allow Ships that were not Completed - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.4 – Make all Destroyers 1.5 units - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.5 – Light Cruiser Class 2 / Two Minute Rule Change (rather than 5 min) - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.6 – Rudder Area Change (give ships the same rudder area as they are units) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2020.7 – Number of Campaign Battles (define that 2 Campaigns must be fought at Nats) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2020.8 – Campaign Base Setup Changes (wording changes in campaign rule set) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2020.9 – Campaign Clarifications (common practices added to campaign rule set) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2020.10 – Campaign Points and Major Changes (add a class of campaign ship and increase return runs points and add sink points) - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.11 – Q Ships (define and limit convoy ships with pumps) - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.12 – Convoy No Touch / Attacker Rule (remove single attacker rule) - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.13 – Reloading rule Change (Remove Reloading of Class 4+ ships in campaign while targets are up) - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.14 – Increase penalty for having ships on water during campaign - Fail


Rule Proposal #2020.15 – Remove shore batteries – Fail





Ballot – Results


Rule Proposal #2019.1 – Three Sidemounts for shorter BC’s - Pass


Rule Proposal #2019.2 – Ram Damage 30 Second Inspection Limit - Fail


Rule Proposal #2019.3 – Post Ram Inspection Return to Battle Penalty (declared sunk if don’t return) – Pass


Rule Proposal #2019.4 – Speed Testing / Transmitter Setpoints Clarification (can’t change %) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2019.5 – Secondary Ship Fleet Clarification (Secondary ship used after main ship sunk must be played on same fleet) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2019.6 – Defensive Unit Sink Multiplier (increase sink value if using multiple pumps) - Fail






Ballot – Results


Rule Proposal #2018.1 – Campaign Convoy Ship Points (Increase points) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2018.2 – Secondary ships in fleet battles (If you sink 1st sortie you can battle a secondary class 3 and under ship in 2nd sortie) – Pass


Rule Proposal #2018.3 – Cruiser classification (Northampton/Pensacola clarification) - Pass





Ballot – Results


Rule Proposal #2017.1 – Light Cruiser and Destroyer Speed Increase (CL 22 sec, DD 21 sec, etc) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2017.3 – Rudder Width Limit (7/8 inch width limit) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2017.6 – Converging Fire and Dual Sidemount Change (Remove converging fire from 2 turrets, Remove dual sidemounts from Bismark, Vanguard, Alaska) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2017.7 – Secondary Ships in Fleet Battles (after 1st sortied sink) - Fail


Rule Proposal #2017.8 – Drag Prop Clarification (size/number) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2017.9 – Reverse-only Shafts (All powered props must power in forward and reverse) - Pass


Rule Proposal #2017.11 – Half-unit Guns (allow stand alone ½ unit guns on capital ships) – Pass


Proposal #2017.12 – Patch Between Sorties at Regionals - Pass


Rule Proposal #2017.13 – Remove Rotate Requirement for 3rd Sidemount - Pass







Ballot – Results


Rule Proposal #2016.2 – Scoring change from 50/25/10 to 30/20/10 - Pass


Rule Proposal #2016.3 – Allow 0.5 unit pumps if already using a 1 unit ump - Pass


Rule Proposal #2016.5 – Rudder bonus for all ships (previously only for 2 rudder ships) – Pass





Ballot – Results


Rule Proposal #1 – Update Shiplist – Pass


Rule Proposal #2 – Require a 1 inch tall national flag on all ships - Fail




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