Description: portpolarbearrx8

International Radio Controlled Warship Combat Club (IRCWCC)


With their dockyards nestled in the frozen tundra of Minnesota, the captains of the Port Polar Bear (associated with the IRCWCC) build and battle remote controlled 144th-scale model warships from the First and Second World Wars. The combat ready models are replicas of historical ships that were launched between 1906 and 1946. They are armed with one or more BB cannons for offense and have pumps for defense, and battle each other in shallow ponds across the country. The cannons shoot holes through the thin (1/32 inch) balsa sides of their opponents. When the ships take on too much water and the on-board bilge pump can’t keep up, they sink. After a sink the model is quickly recovered, patched and ready to battle in another sortie the same day.

It's wet and wild fun! 

Upcoming battles:

PPB Memorial Weekend Battle – May 24-25, 2025, Chanhassen MN

Nats – June 23-27, 2025, Oakboro, NC

PPB Fall Battle – (ANTICIPATED DATES) September 6-7, 2025, Chanhassen MN




Recent Events:



Fall Battle 2024

PPB Fall Battle Fri/Sat/Sun September 6/7/5.  2 sorties Friday, 6 sorties Sunday, 4 sorties Sunday.
Standing: Rick (Jamaica) , Mike (Seydlitz), Andy (Nagato), Bob (Nagato), Matthew (Seydlitz), Owen (Moltke).

Kneeling: McCoy (VU), Peter (Erin), Addie (Tourville), Tyler (Florida), Brandon (Caio Duilio), Tom (Alaska).




Memorial Weekend Battle 2024

PPB Memorial Weekend Battle Sat/Sun May 25/26.  5 sorties Saturday, 6 sorties Sunday.
Standing: Owen (Moltke), Andy (Nagato), Bob (Nagato), Zach (Nagato), Mike (Seydlitz), Peter (Erin). Kneeling: Tyler (Florida), Tom (WW1 Montana), Addie (Tourville), McCoy (Viribus Unitis)



Fall Battle 2023

PPB Fall Battle Sat/Sun September 9/10.  We battled three full battles (6 sorties) on Saturday and 2 battles on Sunday the second of which was a 3 sortie battle. Pictured above standing: Bob (Zach’s Nagato), KC Tom (Alaska), Rick (Jamaica), Mike (Seydlitz), Owen (Zrinyi), Andy (Nagato), Matthew (new Seydlitz WOB/Bob’s Nagato), Kevin from DC (Derfflinger 2). Front row: Etta (Tourville), McCoy (VU), Tyler (Yamato), Addie (Tourville), Brandon from Reno (Caio Duilio)




NATS 2023

NATS 2023, Ionia, MI. July 10-14. From left to right: Tyler, John from Ireland, McCoy, Matthew, Andy, Zach, Mike. Higher table of ships left to right: Yamato, Nagato, Nagato, Nagato, Kongo, Seydlitz, Viribus Unitis, Zyrini. Smaller table left to right: LST, Shannon, Zara, Duca d’Aosta, Glorie, Glorie, Glorie, Liberty. Ships on the ground from left to right: Hikawa Maru, Hie Maru, Heian Maru, Hikawa Maru. Green Fleet with Matthew, Andy, Mike beat the Orange Fleet with Tyler, McCoy, Zach. Zach won Allied High Spirit Award. Andy (tie with Will) won Best of Class 6. Tyler won the Von Fluegel.





Memorial Weekend 2023

PPB Memorial Weekend Battle Sat/Sun May 27/28.  We battled three full battles (6 sorties) on Saturday and 2 battles on Sunday, the second of which was 3 sorties instead of doing a full cycle of count/patch. In attendance was: Tyler (Yamato), McCoy (VU), Addie (Tourville), Bob (John's Scharnhorst), Zach (John's Kongo), Matthew (Nagato), Andy (Nagato), Mike (Seydlitz), Peter (Erin), KC Tom (WW1 Montana).




Brouhaha 2023

Brouhaha March 11-12, 2023. 6 battles. Mike (Seydlitz) Best of Class 4, Andy (Nagato) Winning Admiral, Tyler (Yamato) Best of Class 6-7/Most Feared Axis, Bob (Scharnhorst) Best of Class 5/Losing Admiral.

The whole crew. Front row: Rick (Jamaica), Tyler (Yamato), Gerlad (Kongo). Back row: Sam (Brooklyn), Mike (Seydlitz), Bob (Scharnhorst), Andy (Nagato), Wade (was there too), Tom (Montana), Ted (VDT), Gerald (Hiei).


For more pictures of captains from previous battles, click the link: Past Regionals Archive

If you would like to join our e-mail list or get more information contact Bob H or Tyler